A division of Church Without Walls International

Orphanage Updates

Events, praises, and prayer requests

News from Uganda and Kenya KWOWI

Uganda | Update

July 10, 2024 - Thank you for praying for our country partners and KWOWI children!

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Spotlight on a KWOWI Kid

Kenya | Update

May 31, 2024 - This month we're highlighting Eugene, in Kenya!

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Monday Evening Bible Study in Uganda

Uganda | Update

April 29, 2024 - A report on the Monday evening Bible Studies in Uganda amongst the KWOWI Kids who live full-time at the school.

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Uganda Easter Celebration

Uganda | Update

April 4, 2024 - The KWOWI kids in Uganda had a great day celebration their Risen Savior, Jesus Christ! We hope you enjoy this update. See the descriptions next to the photos we received from our Uganda country leaders.

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Spotlight on a KWOWI Kid

Kenya | Update

March 11, 2024 - My name is Clovian. My mother passed away when I was young, and my alcoholic father never cared for me. So, I now live with my aunt. I help her every day by carrying water to our home in jerry cans and also washing dishes. I am now in grade 6 in school. I enjoy playing netball with my class…

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Uganda KWOWI School Wins Football Tournament!

Uganda | Update

July 12, 2023 - Our congratulations to the KWOWI School in Uganda, run by Edward and his great staff, for winning a big school football (soccer) tournament, winning out over 12 other schools. We are so proud of them! They'll celebrate with the local house church families, and a special meal of meat and rice, a r…

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Children Need Uniforms

Uganda | Update

June 2, 2023 - Most of the children at the Uganda KWOWI School and Orphanage don't have a uniform to wear. Unlike schools in the USA, African schools are required to have their children in uniforms, so this is an important need. The few uniforms that children have are wearing thin, loosing buttons, etc. If you'…

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Uganda School Damaged by Severe Weather

Uganda | Update

April 19, 2023 - The KWOWI School in Western Uganda was damaged by heavy rains, wind, and hail. Several of the dirt floor classrooms were damaged, and the very important fence around the school was knocked down in several places. The fence is an important security feature for the children who live and attend scho…

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Tulsa Team Visits the Uganda KWOWI School

Uganda | Update

March 22, 2023 - Brian Fenn, Daniel (our KWOWI.org builder and house church leader), and myself recently traveled to Uganda to visit the KWOWI School and several house churches. We spent 8 days with the Ugandan leaders, Edward and Margret, and the Kenyan leaders, Daniel and Christine. We shared in meals, testimon…

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Uganda School Begins 3rd Term

Uganda | Update

Sept. 2, 2022 - The Ugandan school and orphanage that is being run by KWOWI teams are returning to the 3rd term for this current school year. Their school year runs in terms, with 2 to 4 weeks between terms. The school has Christian teachers who are invested in the children and are teaching them to read, write, B…

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17 New Members are Baptized

Uganda | Update

Aug. 27, 2022 - Most of the children who are in KWOWI programs in Uganda and Kenya attend a local house church through CWOWI. There are over 600 house churches in Uganda alone, and 17 new members have been baptized in the month of August!

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Pass on the Pig Program Helps over 250 Households

Uganda | Update

Aug. 24, 2022 - The Pass on the Pig Program in Uganda continues to be a tremendous blessing to many families. 253 families have directly benefitted by this program. In it, a family is given a piglet that they can raise to butcher or breed, or both. They can breed it and sell piglets for income. The income they'r…

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Hygiene Supplies Provided

Uganda | Update

June 24, 2022 - Basic needs like hygiene supplies are often rare luxuries in developing countries like Uganda. CWOWI was able to help provide important hygiene supplies to the orphanage/school run by KWOWI.

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Bible Studies at the Ugandan School

Uganda | Update

April 4, 2022 - The children who are in the KWOWI School and orphanage in Uganda learn more than just reading, writing, and arithmetic. They also learn about God and learn how to read and understand their Bible. Each children's schooling includes Bible Study as a core part of their schooling.

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  • Copyright Kids Without Walls International, KWOWI 2023